Smart Traffic Lights vs Regular Traffic Lights

May 23, 2022

Smart Traffic Lights vs Regular Traffic Lights

There has been a lot of buzz surrounding autonomous vehicles and the future of transportation lately. While a lot of attention is being given to self-driving cars, there is another aspect of this revolution that could significantly impact our daily commutes: traffic lights. Yes, traffic lights are getting smarter too!

Smart traffic lights are said to revolutionize the way we navigate through busy intersections, preventing unnecessary traffic, reducing wait times, and improving the overall flow of traffic. So how do they compare to regular traffic lights? Let's find out!

Regular Traffic Lights

Regular traffic lights work on a pre-timed system, meaning the lights switch based on a fixed schedule. They don't take into consideration the current traffic conditions or the number of vehicles waiting at the intersection. This system can lead to a lot of inefficiencies, long wait times, and congestion.

Did you know that the average American driver wastes around 99 hours a year waiting at red lights? That's a lot of time and fuel wasted!

Smart Traffic Lights

Smart traffic lights use a combination of sensors, cameras, and algorithms to detect traffic volume and adjust the timing of traffic lights accordingly. They are able to change the light timings in real-time, depending on the traffic flows, minimizing wait times, and reducing congestion.

According to a study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, smart traffic lights can reduce commute times by up to 20%. That's the equivalent of saving 40 hours a year for the average American driver!


While smart traffic lights are still in their early stages, they already show great promise. They are able to reduce commute times, save fuel, and improve air quality with less time and money spent idling at red lights. While regular traffic lights have served us well in the past, it's time to embrace this new technology and create more efficient transportation systems for our ever-growing cities.

Click here to learn more about smart traffic lights.


  • "The Surprising Amount of Time Americans Spend Stopped at Red Lights," TIME, July 2019.
  • "Intelligent Traffic Signal System," National Renewable Energy Laboratory, August 2014.
  • "Smart Traffic Signals: Promising Technology, Few Barriers to Adoption," The Urban Institute, January 2018.

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